OST Global Immersion Week 3rd Edition in Morocco

OST Global Immersion Week 3rd Edition in Morocco

#GIW24 | Closing Ceremony: A Celebration of Innovation and Unity 🌍✨

We are elated to share highlights from an extraordinary closing ceremony that marked the pinnacle of the hashtag#GlobalImmersionWeek. Over 200 thought leaders from hashtag#Morocco and around the world gathered to celebrate cross-cultural hashtag#partnership and hashtag#friendship, embodying the spirit of collaboration that defines hashtag#GIW24.

The ceremony featured inspiring speeches, partnership highlights and signings, and was a vibrant showcase of the achievements of our Paper Plane Program stars—15 African startups focused on hashtag#EdTech, hashtag#HealthTech, hashtag#FinTech, and hashtag#BlueTech. 🌟

🎤 MC'ed by the dynamic duo Yesmine Mansar and Mohamed Ghazi DHOUIB, the evening began with a visionary speech from Mr. Abdeslam Hassar, Technical Advisor at the Ministère de la Transition Numérique et de la Réforme de l'Administration in Morocco, and Markus Schladt, Head of Division - Regional Funds Africa from KfW, setting an inspiring tone. This was followed by a lively discussion between Khaled Ben Jilani and Amal Dokhan covering the importance of sustainable partnerships.

🤝 We also celebrated strong collaborations with our esteemed partners, enhancing the foundation for future initiatives. Insightful contributions were presented by Ivy Schultz, Yassine LAGHZIOUI, Rym Baouendi, Elyas Felfoul, Tarik BOUDIAR, Nawfal Fessi Fehri, and Lamiae Benmakhlouf.

🔗 The evening concluded with powerful closing remarks from our CEO, Houda Ghozzi, who discussed the strategic expansion of Open Startup programs and the launch of Open Startup Morocco, emphasizing the strengthening ties and future potentials between Morocco, hashtag#Africa, and the global innovation ecosystem. 🚀🌍

As we wrap up hashtag#GIW24, we extend a heartfelt thank you to all our partners and participants for making this event a memorable celebration of innovation and collaboration. Your enthusiasm and commitment to driving change are what make our mission possible. 🙌

As we look forward to the exciting prospects of the next GIW, we remain committed to fostering these vital connections that spur innovation and drive growth across continents.
Here's to more achievements and partnerships in the years to come!

This event is a pan-African initiative supported by Open Startup's Inception Partners: AfricaGrow -Technical Assistance Facility funded by the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), DEG KfW, Columbia Engineering, Columbia Business School, the US Embassy in Tunis, AfricInvest Group, and The Dot.

Along with our Program and Local Partners: Ministère de la Transition Numérique et de la Réforme de l'Administration in Morocco, Al Mada Ventures, TECHNOPARK Maroc (MITC), MITC Capital - Maroc Numeric Fund, UM6P - Mohammed VI Polytechnic University, STARTGATE, WAVE powered by FII Institute , World Innovation Summit for Education (WISE), 212 Founders, Kalys Ventures, Outlierz Ventures, and Azur Innovation Management.
